
Solr class

class mysolr.Solr(base_url='http://localhost:8080/solr/')

Acts as an easy-to-use interface to Solr.

Asynchronous search using async module from requests.

  • queries – List of queries. Each query is a dictionary containing any of the available Solr query parameters described in ‘q’ is a mandatory parameter.
  • size – Size of threadpool
  • resource – Request dispatcher. ‘select’ by default.
commit(wait_flush=True, wait_searcher=True, expunge_deletes=False)

Sends a commit message to Solr.

  • wait_flush – Block until index changes are flushed to disk (default is True).
  • wait_searcher – Block until a new searcher is opened and registered as the main query searcher, making the changes visible (default is True).
  • expunge_deletes – Merge segments with deletes away (default is False)
delete_by_key(identifier, commit=True)

Sends an ID delete message to Solr.

Parameters:commit – If True, sends a commit message after the operation is executed.
delete_by_query(query, commit=True)

Sends a query delete message to Solr.

Parameters:commit – If True, sends a commit message after the operation is executed.
optimize(wait_flush=True, wait_searcher=True, max_segments=1)

Sends an optimize message to Solr.

  • wait_flush – Block until index changes are flushed to disk (default is True)
  • wait_searcher – Block until a new searcher is opened and registered as the main query searcher, making the changes visible (default is True)
  • max_segments – Optimizes down to at most this number of segments (default is 1)

Ping solr server.


Sends a rollback message to Solr server.

search(resource='select', **kwargs)

Queries Solr with the given kwargs and returns a SolrResponse object.

search_cursor(resource='select', **kwargs)
update(documents, input_type='json', commit=True)

Sends an update/add message to add the array of hashes(documents) to Solr.

  • documents – A list of solr-compatible documents to index. You should use unicode strings for text/string fields.
  • input_type – The format which documents are sent. Remember that json is not supported until version 3.
  • commit – If True, sends a commit message after the operation is executed.

SolrResponse class

class mysolr.SolrResponse(solr_response)

Parse solr response and make it accesible.

documents = None

Documents list.

facets = None

Facets parsed as a OrderedDict (Order matters).

highlighting = None

Shorcut to highlighting result

qtime = None

Query time.

raw_response = None

Solr full response.

spellcheck = None

Spellcheck result parsed into a more readable object.

start = None


stats = None

Shorcut to stats resuts

status = None

Response status.

total_results = None

Number of results.

url = None

Solr query URL

Cursor class

class mysolr.Cursor(url, query)

Implements the concept of cursor in relational databases


Generator method that grabs all the documents in bulk sets of ‘rows’ documents

Parameters:rows – number of rows for each request

mysolr is a simple Apache Solr library for Python. You are currently looking at the documentation of the development release.

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